"In this final study of Shortwood Baptist Church, I want to introduce you to some of the deacons of the church and various aspects of their lives and ministry. Albion Urdank has researched a number of what he calls “branches” of Shortwood’s deacons. By branches, he...
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There Remains a Sabbath Rest with Jon English Lee
"The book is highly recommended because it is a clear, fraternal discussion of an issue vital to biblical worship and knowledge of how Christ’s first and second coming consummate our freedom from the curse and fulfill Christ’s promise, “I will give you rest.” -Tom J....
Spurgeon and the Poor with Alex DiPrima
In the past century, one question has constantly plagued the church: How should the people of God respond to social issues? Rather than buying in to the “social gospel,” Alex DiPrima looks back to an unexpected source for biblical clarity: Charles Haddon Spurgeon....
John Collett Ryland Pt.2 | Particular Pilgrims
"Ryland was a friend to everyone he thought to be a true believer. So he was personal friends with like-minded men such as John Gill and John Brine. But he was also friends with those of a different kind of Calvinism such as Andrew Gifford, Robert Hall Sr., and John...