The Man of God network exists to help the church in her mission to identify and equip qualified, faithful men for the Gospel Ministry. Providing you with resources that both encourage you and edify you as you seek to build Christ’s church where you are, to the end that he is better known, loved and exalted.

Network Shows

confessing the faith

A Theological & Devotional Walk through the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith (5 min)

Dr. Sam waldron

President, CBTSeminary
Pastor, GRBC Owensboro, KY
Author, A Modern Exposition of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith

Covenant Podcast

Interviews on Theology from a 1689 Baptist Perspective (~45 min)

Austin McCormick, JimmY Johnson, & Dewey Dovel

modern marrow men

Conversations on the Law & the Gospel (25 min)

Tom Hicks & John divito

The narrated puritan

The Narrated Puritan features weekly readings from Puritan history (30 min)

Tom sullivan

You can find more readings by Mr. Sullivan at

Particular Pilgrims

Stories from Reformed Baptist History (10-12 min)

Ron Miller

Pastor of Covenant Baptist Church of Clarksville, TN and a longtime student and collector of Particular Baptist History. Pastor Miller also serves on the Board of Directors of CBTSeminary

Pastor's Inbox

Two seasoned pastors answer ministry related questions (15 min)

Joe Wilson & Lee Mckinnon

preaching & teaching

Featuring sermons from faithful men & lectures from the classroom of Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary

various speakers

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