40 minutes ago40 minutes agoIn this episode of the Covenant Podcast, Pastor Dewey Dovel interviews Pastor Bart Carlson on a "Call to the Ministry." Pastor Bart Carlson graduated from Trinity Ministerial Academy in 1992. After a brief time assisting churches in the...
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What should we do when a wife is unsettled about moving for a new ministry opportunity?
The Pastor's Inbox is a resource on the Man of God Podcast Network by CBTSeminary.On this show Pastors Joe Wilson and Lee McKinnon answer questions related to pastoral and practical theology. Submit your questions to be answered on the show at...
B.B. Warfield: Led by the Holy Spirit
The Narrated Puritan features weekly readings from Puritan history read by Tom Sullivan. You can find more readings by Mr. Sullivan at PuritanAudioBooks.com Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary is a Confessional Reformed Baptist Seminary Providing affordable online...
1689 19:4 The Present Status of the Judicial Law
In our study of Chapter 11, entitled, Of Justification, we have seen the necessity, agent, meaning, and basis of justification. Now we turn to its instrument.Confessing the Faith is a theological and devotional walk through the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith with...