"In this final study of Shortwood Baptist Church, I want to introduce you to some of the deacons of the church and various aspects of their lives and ministry. Albion Urdank has researched a number of what he calls “branches” of Shortwood’s deacons. By branches, he...
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The Active Obedience of Christ with Patrick Abendroth
41 minutes ago41 minutes agoThe active obedience of Christ is a vital biblical doctrine that helps sinners see Jesus better. Many know Jesus to be the one who atoned for sin, securing forgiveness for those who trust in Him. This is both wonderful and crucial. But...
Is tithing a New Testament practice?
The Pastor's Inbox is a resource on the Man of God Podcast Network by CBTSeminary.On this show Pastors Joe Wilson and Lee McKinnon answer questions related to pastoral and practical theology. Submit your questions to be answered on the show at...
William Gadsby
"In this final study of Shortwood Baptist Church, I want to introduce you to some of the deacons of the church and various aspects of their lives and ministry. Albion Urdank has researched a number of what he calls “branches” of Shortwood’s deacons. By branches, he...