“Under God, Over the People” with Oliver Allmand-Smith

by | Feb 4, 2025 | Covenant Podcast

Under God, Over the People: The Calling and Accountability of Civil Government speaks biblical truth directly into our situation as churches today as we increasingly face government interference and intervention in the life of the local church. This precise and yet, accessible work draws and expounds upon the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith on the subject of the Civil Magistrate, its calling and its accountability.

Order the book here: https://brokenwharfe.com/product/under-god-over-the-people-us/

For more information about CBTSeminary visit: https://cbtseminary.org

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Open and Closed Communion: Booth and Hall Jr.

"In this final study of Shortwood Baptist Church, I want to introduce you to some of the deacons of the church and various aspects of their lives and ministry. Albion Urdank has researched a number of what he calls “branches” of Shortwood’s deacons. By branches, he...

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