John Collett Ryland Pt.2 | Particular Pilgrims

by | Jan 9, 2025 | Covenant Podcast

“Ryland was a friend to everyone he thought to be a true believer. So he was personal friends with like-minded men such as John Gill and John Brine. But he was also friends with those of a different kind of Calvinism such as Andrew Gifford, Robert Hall Sr., and John Rippon.”


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Open and Closed Communion: Bunyan and Kiffen

Open and Closed Communion: Bunyan and Kiffen

"In this final study of Shortwood Baptist Church, I want to introduce you to some of the deacons of the church and various aspects of their lives and ministry. Albion Urdank has researched a number of what he calls “branches” of Shortwood’s deacons. By branches, he...

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